Andragogy : All You Need To Know!!

Adults Must Want To Learn

3 min readJun 20, 2021

Andragogy means the understanding of the science and practice of adult learning. This contrasts to pedagogy, which is the understanding of the science and practice of children learning. The term “andragogy” was first coined all the way back in 1833 by a German teacher named Alexander Knapp. Adult learning theories are based on the premise that adults learn differently than children.


Developed by Malcolm Knowles in 1968, andragogy is described by its creator as the art and science of helping adults learn.

Adults learn to be better from experience.(after making mistakes and learning from mistake.)

Adults favor a realistic approach and must be able to apply learning to solve a specific problem.

Adults are most interested in learning things that have immediate applicable.

Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.

They have the freedom to learn in their own way.

Learning is experiential.

The time is right for them to learn.

The process is positive and encouraging.

Knowles is also famous for encouraging the informal education of adults. He understood that many of our social problems stem from human relations and can be solved only through education–in the home, on the job, and anywhere else people gather. He wanted people to learn to cooperate with each other, believing this was the foundation of democracy.

Outcomes of Andragogy

Adults should acquire a mature understanding of themselves.

They should accept and respect of themselves in strive matter.

Adults should develop an attitude of acceptance, love, and respect toward others .

Adults should develop a dynamic attitude toward life — they should accept that they are always changing and look at every experience as an opportunity to learn.

Adults should acquire the skills necessary to achieve the potentials of their personalities

Adults should understand their society and should be skillful in directing social change .

The Six Principles of Andragogy

Need to Know. Adults need to know the reason they are being asked to learn. …

Experience. Adult learners come with experience. …

Self-Concept. Adults have a need to be responsible for their learning decisions.


Problem Orientation.

Intrinsic Motivation.

The Seven elements of Andragogical process

Preparing the learner (PL), Diagnosis of learning needs (DL), Climate setting (CS), Mutual planning(MP), Diagnosis of learning needs (DLN), Set learning objectives (SLO), Design of the learning experience (DLE), Learning activities (LA), and Evaluation of learning (EVA)

Importance of Andragogy

It gives scope to self-directed learners. Andragogy helps in designing and delivering the solution focused instructions to self-directed. The methods used by andragogy can be used in different educational environments (e.g. adolescent education).

Four Theories of learning are Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Theory, and Social Learning Theory.

Final verdict!!

Adult learning is life-centered. So It is learning by doing, by application and experience, and if need be by trail and error. … Adults interpret ideas, skills and knowledge through the medium of their life-experience to get good experience and test them in real life settings. To make the learner self-directed is the purpose of adult.




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